
Brookings Center for Universal Education, National Center for Community Schools, CCS & IEL, and LPI

Community Schools Forward Task Force

With strategic and financial support from the Ballmer Group, four national partners – the Center for Universal Education at Brookings Institution, the Coalition for Community Schools (CCS), the Learning Policy Institute (LPI), and the National Center for Community Schools at Children’s Aid (NCCS) – are collaborating with practitioners, researchers, and leaders across the country to elevate areas of alignment and consensus across various community school approaches to further align, build, and scale community schools.

Coalition for Community Schools

Financing Community Schools

This report looks at how community schools finance their work. It describes the resources, partnerships, and activities community schools generate with the dollars they have; where monies come from; and the mechanisms community schools use to leverage additional funding and build their capacity to achieve agreed upon results. The report draws on survey results and case studies from a purposeful sample of experienced community schools—both individual sites as well as district-sponsored initiatives.

2021 Coordinators Appreciation Week – Toolkit

Since 2017, every 3rd full week of September has been dedicated to celebrating the unsung heroes of Community Schools—the Coordinator. This year, September 20 to September 24, 2021, let's celebrate Coordinators and advance our Community Schools movement together.

Multiple National Organizations


Letter to Chairwoman DeLauro, Chairwoman Murray, Ranking Member Cole, and Ranking Member Blunt to encourage them to significantly increase funding for the Full-Service Community Schools Program (Title IV Part F of the Every Student Succeeds Act) to match President Biden’s 2022 budget request of $443 million. Community schools is a critical strategy to help schools and communities recover and stabilize from the ongoing effects of the pandemic, and an effective strategy of a whole-child approach to public education that is necessary now more than ever.

Coalition for Community Schools

State Coalitions Stages of Development Rubric

Stages of Development for creating and growing your State Coalition.

Coalition for Community Schools

Community Schools: Supporting One Another As A Blueprint for the Future

This blueprint provides examples of how Community Schools effectively responded to the pandemic, highlighting “how” Community Schools operate through collaborative leadership, and offers recommendations for state and local educators, community leaders, and others on how to leverage Community Schools as a core strategy for communities to efficiently and effectively recover while transforming education and accelerating economic mobility.

U.S. Department of Education

Frequently Asked Questions Using American Rescue Plan Funding to Support Full-Service Community Schools & Related Strategies

This document includes “Frequently Asked Questions” intended to support state and local efforts in effectively using ARP ESSER funds to advance evidence-based full-service community schools and related approaches.

Coalition for Community Schools

Six Strategies To Build Empowering Youth Engagement

This report has three objectives:​ 1) To create greater awareness of youth (ages 12-25) experiences throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.​ 2) To highlight clear recommendations and examples of how different communities have been able to address and meet the needs of youth​. 3) To provide a clear process to develop and implement empowering youth engagement strategies.

Martin J. Blank, Ira Harkavy , Jane Quinn, and Lisa R . Villarreal


The American Rescue Plan Act offers school and community leaders an unprecedented opportunity to reinvigorate our public schools as engines of equity and democracy.