

Coalition for Community Schools

CCS RPN: An Assessment of the Impact of the New York City Community Schools Initiative

Coalition for Community Schools

CCS RPN: Dual Capacity Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships

Coalition for Community Schools

CCS RPN: Postsecondary Readiness and Success in Community Schools

Coalition for Community Schools

CCS RPN: Youth with Disabilities in Community Schools

All students need to go through transitions: from grade to grade, school to school, and from school to life in their communities. Families and schools need to work together to prepare students for these transitions. Youth with disabilities face more challenges than others when they try to go through these transitions. Supports are provided to youth with disabilities in the transition period to help them to develop self-advocacy, independent living, and career skills.

Coalition for Community Schools

CCS RPN: Return on Investment (ROI) Study for Community Schools

What is the ROI of a community school coordinator? The community school strategy has proven effective in improving academic outcomes for students, and it is well accepted among community school practitioners that a crucial piece of this strategy is the Coordinator. The Coordinator is the person who oversees the implementation of the strategy and shares responsibility for the outcomes. A recent study found that each $1 invested in the coordinator returns about $7 net benefits.

Coalition for Community Schools

CCS RPN: Powerful Learning – Deeper Learning Lessons for Community Schools

What’s “Deeper Learning?” The Hewlett Foundation defines it as “an umbrella term for the skills and knowledge that students must possess to succeed in 21st-century jobs and civic life. At its heart is a set of competencies students must master in order to develop a keen understanding of academic content and apply their knowledge to problems in the classroom and on the job.”

Coalition for Community Schools

CCS RPN Webinar: Powerful Learning_Addressing Real World Issues through Community School Classrooms

The Community Schools Standard 7, “Powerful Learning: Engaging Students as Independent Learners” notes that quality teaching and learning incorporate “a focus on real-world issues and enable young people to be problem solvers in their own communities” through project-based learning, engagement with the community leaders and residents, and solutions-generation. In this webinar, we will address three underlying questions: What experiences do students need inside the community school classrooms in order to address real-world issues? How do community school educators as knowledge-facilitators support students to build their own power to address issues affecting their communities? What does responsive teaching and learning look like inside the classroom to develop students’ own voice and agency?

Coalition for Community Schools

March for Children and Youth Playbook

An annual March for Children and Youth Month playbook to concentrate advocacy efforts amount national, state and local partners.

Coalition for Community Schools

ESEA Reauthorization a Game Changing Moment for Community Schools

Press release applauding the new Every Student Succeeds Act that replaces No Child Left Behind contains key provisions that advance the vision of community schools. The bill’s passage is a pivotal moment for the community schools movement. It empowers State and district leaders to rethink strategies to support all students to succeed and to see their communities as vital partners in that effort.

Coalition for Community Schools

New Federal Education Law Boosts Community Schools

December 10, 2015, press release applauding the new Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) that President Obama signed into law today includes the Full Service Community Schools program, marking a big win for community school supporters.