

Hartford Public Schools

Hartford Community Schools

Alignment in Purpose from the School to the Statehouse Around a Commitment to Community Schools

Cincinnati City School District

Community Schools Initiative – Cincinnati Community Learning Centers

The goals of the CLC are to support student achievement, revitalize neighborhoods and maximize the community’s return on their financial investments. CLCs act as hubs for community services, providing access for students, families and community to health, safety and social services, as well as recreational, educational and cultural opportunities.

Hayward Unified School District

Hayward Tree

Full Service Community Schools Framework

Hayward Unified School District

Hayward Unified School District Resolution Full Service Community Schools

Hayward’s framework for its community schools seeks to fulfill a common set of conditions for learning that ensures that students are engaged, safe, and healthy.

Cincinnati City School District

Cincinnati City School District Community School Policy

Cincinnati Public Schools is creating campuses that strengthen this link between schools and communities.

Hartford Public Schools

Hartford Board of Education Policy on Community Schools

Members of the Hartford Community-School Partnership, which launched in July, 2008, are the Hartford Public Schools, the City of Hartford Mayor’s Office (including Hartford Office for Young Children and Office for Youth Services), and the United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut.

Pomona Unified School District

Pomona Community Schools Pilot Program

The Pomona, CA School Board passed a Community Schools pilot program June 8th, 2016 for implementation in two high schools.

Las Cruces Public Schools

Las Cruces School District Community School Resolution

The resolution creates a school family council, funds full-service Community Schools coordinators at each community school, and ensures that the school district will complete comprehensive needs assessments to improve essential functions of the strategy.

Coalition for Community Schools

Scaling Up School and Community Partnerships: The Community Schools Strategy Handout

This Guide is helpful for anyone engaged in a place-based strategy including community schools, Promise Neighborhoods, Choice Neighborhoods, and other cradle-to-career efforts.

Coalition for Community Schools

CCS RPN: The Way We Do School: The Making of Oakland’s Full-Service Community School District