Rochester Beacon: “The promise of community schools”

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Read the full story from Rochester Beacon here.

“Lieselle Taylor’s metaphor for the philosophy behind community schools might seem macabre at first, but fitting when discussing children’s futures.

“You may have that one young cousin or niece or nephew, who, maybe their mom dies or their dad dies. What do you do?” she says. One of the most natural responses would be something like: “coming together as a family.”

“You come together and you make sure they are provided for. As a whole family, come Christmas time, you make sure there are presents, you take them out to their favorite places. You wrap your arms around them,” says Taylor, director of community schools for the Rochester City School District. You’re acting as a community even if you don’t call yourself a community. The same way it is in your personal life, it is with educational systems.”

Taylor is referring to the community school model, a concept that has grown in popularity since the COVID-19 pandemic. The city school district has more than 20 locations listed as community schools. Now, as part of RCSD’s 2024-2029 Strategic Plan, all schools will implement the community school model with fidelity by 2028.”

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