Ready, Set, Apply! Full-Service Community Schools Grant to Make Historic Impact for Students

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July 12, 2022 – The Department of Education announced today $68 million in grants to support students through Full-Service Community Schools. The Notice Inviting Applications will be posted tomorrow (Wednesday, July 13) in the Federal Register. You can review the most updated grant timeline here. 

“When we invest in Full-Service Community Schools, we invest in the success of students, the well-being of families, and the strength of entire communities,” said Secretary Miguel Cardona.   

This federal program, which began as a line item in the Congressional appropriations budget, was authorized in the Every Student Succeeds Act in 2015 and funding for it has only grown since, from $10 million to the historic $68 million this year.  

“This announcement is a reflection of our collective advocacy as a Coalition on behalf of the millions of children and youth who attend public schools, and we’re excited about the forthcoming awards uniting dozens of communities across the country around them,” said Coalition for Community Schools Director Jose Munoz. “We are even more excited as we imagine the impact this funding will have on the safety, well-being, academic and community outcomes of the students, families, and communities who will have a voice in shaping and bringing to life their awarded funding.” 

The Coalition encourages every interested district, and community-based organization (whether nonprofit, local or state government, higher education institution, etc.) to consider applying for one or more categories of grants. We are here to support you through our ongoing weekly webinar series, with our next one occurring this Thursday, July 14. Register here!  

Finally, we encourage people to also consider applying for the Promise Neighborhoods federal grant, which just announced its Notice Inviting Applications, with applications due September 27. Go here for more information including informational webinars hosted by the U.S. Department of Education. 

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