Is My School a Community School? A Checklist for Teachers and School Staff

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“This checklist outlines the essential components of a community school. It is important to note that not all community schools will have all of these elements from the beginning! Building a community school is a process that requires patience, trust and collaborative partnerships among teachers, school staff, students, families, community partners, and administrators.

The purpose of this checklist is to help you conduct an inventory of what your school has set in place and what may need to be addressed based on your school community needs assessment. If your school isn’t a community school yet, this inventory will help you identify areas you need to develop.

Once completed, share and discuss the findings with your community school resource coordinator (if one exists), colleagues and school administration.”

Check out this great resource here.

Strategies For Addressing The Comprehensive Needs Of Students And Families Through Community Schools And Wraparound Supports

2 years ago by