How One Elementary School In Wisconsin Is Solving The Early Literacy Challenge

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“For more than 100 years, Knapp Elementary has served students in its Racine, WI neighborhood. Today, of its 465 students, 85% are considered economically disadvantaged. More than half of parents lack a high school credential and neighborhood violence is a challenge. Proficiency rates have hovered between 8% and 12%.

It has long been one of the district’s most challenged schools.

Six years ago, Rich Wytonick became principal of Knapp. He worked to strengthen the instructional team and bring in community partners. As a result, Knapp was the first community school in the district–partnering with The United Way to provide wraparound services for students.

‘We were really bringing the right people in, changing the culture,’ Wytonick explained. ‘We felt we were on the precipice of improvement. Then COVID hit.’”

Read the full story here.

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