Forbes: Are Community Schools The Key To Dropout Prevention And Workforce Skills?

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The below information is courtesy of University of Richmond education professor Kate Cassada:

“The successes, and failures, of K-12 schools are highly visible and hotly debated in the United States. Increasingly, it has become clear that to succeed, schools must be supported by and integrated with their broader local communities. This is a key reason the Community Schools model is gaining traction across the U.S.

According to the Community Schools Playbook, public schools that partner with families and community organizations can create well-rounded and equitable opportunities for children and “prepare students for success in life and as citizens.” These wraparound services remove non-academic barriers for K-12 students so they can focus on learning.

Partnership for the Future of Learning notes Community Schools “are a powerful, evidence-based strategy for creating excellent schools for students, regardless of their race, family income level, or the ZIP Code in which they live.” Community Schools are situated to improve student outcomes and strengthen communities.”

Read the full article here.

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