Community schools in Utah’s Salt Lake City region thrive on place-based partnerships and family engagement

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“Community schools emerged in the Greater Salt Lake City region of Utah in the mid-2000s beginning with the Salt Lake School District. Today, there are approximately 30 community schools throughout the Greater Salt Lake City region. Along the way, organizations like United Way of Salt Lake alongside StriveTogether, National Center for Community Schools at Children’s Aid, and the Coalition for Community Schools supported the success of subsequent schools. The United Way of Salt Lake is part of a larger national effort of United Ways around the U.S. playing a key role in catalyzing growth of community schools by providing oversight, resources, initiative management, contract management, and more, often as backbone organizations. United Way of Salt Lake aligns partners and resources toward community schools as part of an integrated roadmap to “build powerful collective impact partnerships in schools, communities, and across our region and innovate the way people, organizations, and systems work together.”” 

Read the full story here.

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