Teaching and Learning in Community Schools
A consistent theme that has echoed throughout many Research-Practice Network convenings is the need for more attention on teaching and learning in the community school context. Both current and historical examples of community schools reveal a distinct pedagogical approach that has been core to community schools’ success. This approach often integrates community-based learning, real-world problem solving, and local experience and wisdom into curriculum. Educators often work closely with community partners to achieve instructional aims and extend learning beyond the classroom. Many research questions persist related to the implications for teaching and learning in community schools and how it differs from traditional schools. There is a need to understand how pedagogical approaches such as multicultural education, culturally responsive teaching, restorative practices, social justice education, and project and place-based learning are used in the community school context. Additionally, we need to know more about how teachers connect with and use various partners, programs, and resources that exist at the school and in the surrounding community to teach effectively in the community school. Lastly, there is a need for evidence on the degree to which teachers in a community school may be more aware of the impact that out-of-classroom experiences have on in-classroom learning.