Coordinators Appreciation Week (CAW) Sept 15-21, 2024

Let’s get ready to celebrate and advocate for our Coordinators because #CoordinatorsRock!

What's a Community School Coordinator?

The Community School Coordinator works collaboratively with the school principal and other school support staff to design, develop and/or implement Community School programming including: Family and student support services, Health services, Enrichment activities including those that occur during the school day, after school and summer , Family and community engagement activities, and Community sponsorship, partnership, and volunteer infrastructure.

Learn More

Download the Toolkit

We've created a 2024 Coordinators Appreciation Week toolkit filled with resources to help you highlight the amazing Coordinators you know, as well as spread the word about the role they play in growing the Community School movement.

Get the Toolkit

Take Action

Join our letter campaign for organizers and supporters of the Community Schools movement engaging in policy and advocacy outreach to lawmakers to increase funding for Community Schools! Congress needs to hear from you that the Community Schools strategy is a comprehensive approach to restructuring and reimagining our public education system so that all students can learn and thrive. Use this tool to tell your story (feel free to add in your own examples and stories of impact to strengthen the message) of the benefits of Community Schools and send that message to your representatives now. Together, we can advance the Community School strategy, by garnering bipartisan support at the local, state, and national levels.

Send a letter to your representative

Welcome to CAW 2024!

Check out these headlines sharing more about the success of the Community School strategy, and the importance of the Coordinator role!

Community Schools Coordinator Spotlight: Cascade’s Josh Hurley

“Josh and leadership at Cascade School District recognized that there were things happening outside of the school setting that were greatly impacting student academics and attendance. They wanted to better understand how the school could help students and address the issues impacting student academics.

One strategy they learned about was Community Schools, which is an approach for partnering with services and integrating programming to help students and families thrive. Initially, the district joined a learning cohort through the Idaho Coalition for Community Schools to learn best practices for operating as a community school. The district then applied for and received an implementation grant from the coalition that helped it launch as a community school and hire a coordinator.”

Read the full story from Blue Cross of Idaho here.

Josh Hurley with students


How a Bronx Community School Director Helps her Students Thrive

“In 2021, a position at our Bronx Career and College Prep community school opened up. The community school director was leaving and knew Cherron would be a great successor.

Now Cherron leads a team of staff dedicated to providing new opportunities to high school students in the Bronx. From partnerships with Madison Square Garden, to cosmetology and culinary classes, student government, and college and career support, every student is allowed to explore their interests.

In addition to great academics and family supports, Cherron’s staff also tackles chronic absenteeism. Ensuring students are in the classroom every day is important to their overall success.”

Read the full spotlight from Children’s Aid here.


The Heart of Community Schools: A Coordinator’s Perspective

Reflections from CAW 2023

As I sit down to write this directly following National Community School Coordinator Appreciation Week, I can’t help but reflect on the incredible journey I’ve had as a Full Service Community School Coordinator in Deer River, Minnesota. My role in this tight-knit rural community has shown me the power of local resources, dedication, and grassroots movements. Today, I want to share the story of our Community School’s humble beginnings and offer some advice to my fellow Coordinators who, like me, know what it’s like to operate with limited resources.

Read the full message here.