
Take Action

March for Children & Youth Month

Advocating for a high-quality, equitable education for all students, with community schools as a core strategy, is a year-round campaign. However, we mobilize during certain times of the year for an advocacy push to send a unified message to policymakers at the local, state and federal levels.

Our next campaign occurs in March 2025, around what we call “March for Children and Youth Month.” During this month, we invite you to join us to advocate to members of Congress for our Policy by the People agenda that was co-developed with leaders in IEL’s networks across the country and that includes community schools as a core equity strategy in education. 

Stay tuned for resources and more information!

Helpful Resources:


25,000 Community Schools by 2025

Notwithstanding numerous reforms and incremental progress, we have not as a nation been able to achieve equity in education and workforce development over the last 55 years. As a focal point of IEL’s big idea, we believe we can improve opportunity and outcomes and close gaps in access and achievement in education and workforce development through innovation, leadership development and mobilization. If we invest in community leaders of all ages, stages, and sectors, we can change the odds.

Stimulated by the Coalition, there has been an insurgence of proof through research, and growth activity in the community school field where there are now approximately 5,000 community schools across the country, with growing demand in rural, suburban, and urban communities, and emerging international interest. With nearly 100,000 public schools, the Coalition Steering Committee set an ambitious goal of 25,000 Community Schools by 2025 that will reach over 10,000,000 children and youth galvanizing a tipping point of public schools that are creating the conditions, capacities, cultures and policies necessary for everyone to succeed.

Helpful Resources: