

ACT Now and Community Schools

ACT Now convenes the only statewide professional development specifically for community school practitioners. Since 2018, the coalition has grown this statewide network to improve access to resources, provide advocacy support, and work towards the goal of every school in Illinois as a community school.

Coalition for Community Schools RPN

CCS RPN Webinar: Community Schools: People and Places Transforming Education and Communities

Community Schools Research Practice Network Webinar Series

Coalition for Community Schools RPN

CCS RPN Community Schools Research Agenda

In collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania’s Netter Center for Community Partnerships, IEL s Coalition for Community Schools Research Practice Network hosted a three day virtual convening in July to develop a national Community Schools Research Agenda. The convening “Powerful Learning: How Community Schools Support Learning and Thriving Students, Families, and Communities” took place from Tuesday, July 21 to Thursday July 23 2020 The three day event brought together over 60 multi disciplinary researchers and practitioners who have contributed to the community schools knowledge base.

Coalition for Community Schools

Policy by The People Agenda for the 117th Congress

This policy agenda is the Institute for Educational Leadership’s inaugural Policy by the People agenda, which reflects the direct input via surveys and focus groups of hundreds of leaders across IEL’s networks that we engaged in 2020. These leaders span the roles of parents/family, youth age 18 and under, district leaders, nonprofit leaders, state and local government representatives, people with disabilities, and elected officials across dozens of communities in the United States.

Coalition for Community Schools

Community Schools Collaborative Leadership Framework

This framework shows how schools, communities and intermediaries can work together, collaboratively to have successful community schools.