Coalition for Community Schools
Community Schools: Promoting Student Success – A Rationale and Results Framework
Outlines a rationale for community schools as a primary vehicle for increasing student success and defines specific results that community schools seek both in terms of how they function and in relationship to the wellbeing of students, families, and communities.
Coalition for Community Schools
Community Schools Collaborative Leadership Framework
This framework shows how schools, communities and intermediaries can work together, collaboratively to have successful community schools.
Chapin Hall
Achieving Ambitious Educational Outcomes through School and Community Partnerships
This summary aims to share ideas from a convening with policymakers, leaders in education, and community leaders who are interested in partnerships as a strategy for improving children’s long-term outcomes.
Coalition for Community Schools
Early Childhood Community School Linkages: Advancing a Theory of Change
As national attention increasingly focuses on the importance of children’s development in their early years, we have the responsibility—as community members, parents, educators, leaders, and policy makers—to do our part to ensure that young children have the opportunity to thrive. While there are a number of efforts in place to support young children and their families, many focus on one of two domains: either improving early childhood care or education or improving elementary education. Research suggests, however, that there is an essential third domain to attend to in our work to support young children: improving the quality and continuity of a child’s experience and her access to essential supports and services as she transitions from early childhood care or education into the elementary grades.
The Community Schools Playbook
This guide provides tools for policymakers, students and families, community leaders, allies, and advocates who want to advance community schools as a strategy to improve schools.