
Coalition for Community Schools

The Growing Convergence of Community Schools and Expanded Learning Opportunities

This report captures the scope and nature of expanded learning opportunities in community school partnerships. The report includes a new ELO typology and state-of-the-art ELO practices that community schools are implementing.

Coalition for Community Schools

Community Schools: Promoting Student Success – A Rationale and Results Framework

Outlines a rationale for community schools as a primary vehicle for increasing student success and defines specific results that community schools seek both in terms of how they function and in relationship to the wellbeing of students, families, and communities.

Coalition for Community Schools

Community Schools Collaborative Leadership Framework

This framework shows how schools, communities and intermediaries can work together, collaboratively to have successful community schools.

Coalition for Community Schools

Community Schools are an Essential Equity Strategy

The Coalition for Community Schools has developed a framework to embed an equity focus in existing community schools and to drive community schools forward as an equity strategy.

Coalition for Community Schools

Building Blocks: An Examination of the Collaborative Approach Community Schools Are Using to Bolster Early Childhood Development

This report summary provides an overview of community schools, demonstrates the need to invest and link to early childhood programs, describes the case study sites, and offers cross-site lessons.

Coalition for Community Schools

Aligning Networks to Enable Every Student to Thrive

The Coalition for Community Schools, Communities In Schools and StriveTogether are aligning there efforts through their assets and expertise across networks, across school districts and across communities to drive greater impact for more children.

Chapin Hall

Achieving Ambitious Educational Outcomes through School and Community Partnerships

This summary aims to share ideas from a convening with policymakers, leaders in education, and community leaders who are interested in partnerships as a strategy for improving children’s long-term outcomes.